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Having a pentest performed

Having a pentest performed
for maximum security

Driek Support

Need a pentest to take your organization’s cybersecurity to the highest level? You can do that at 2manydots. Using a proven process, we expose the vulnerabilities of your website and IT infrastructure.
So you know exactly which holes you need to close to keep malicious hackers out.
Need more information?
Read on or contact us right away.

What is a pen test?

A pen test, also known as a penetration test, is a controlled attempt to test the security of a computer or network for vulnerabilities.
During a pen test, we dive into the role of a hacker and do everything we can to get into your computer.
Do we succeed in penetrating as an ethical hacker and accessing all kinds of data?
Then our mission is successful, and so is yours.
Because now you know exactly where the cybersecurity of your IT systems needs to be improved.

white box
common vulnerability scoring system

Why have a test done?

The security of your organization’s IT infrastructure is more important than ever.
Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more major data breaches.
All kinds of customer data are out in the open and the damage to your image is almost incalculable.
But there are several methods to make cybersecurity as strong as possible.
Performing a pen test is one of these methods.
But why?

Why is this valuable?

Prevent security problems

By performing regular pen tests, you prevent small security flaws from growing into big problems.
Think of preventing data breaches, financial losses or damage to your reputation.
It’s much better to prevent problems than to have to fix them later, right?

Discovery of vulnerabilities

Your organization’s IT infrastructure can be attacked in so many different ways that you probably don’t have visibility into all of them.
Using a grey- or black box pen test, an organization gains insight into all vulnerabilities found.
This way, you know exactly which holes you need to close to get your IT security in order.

Increase overall security

Pentests help you improve your overall security.
By learning from the test results, you can tighten your systems and procedures.
That way, you’ll be better protected against future threats.
Plus, it makes everyone in your organization more aware of security, which can only help.

We are not sitting still

Periodic testing is important!

Hackers are getting smarter and smarter, and every day new ways are found to penetrate your computer.
We’re not saying that to scare you unnecessarily; unfortunately, that’s reality.
That’s why it’s important to have a pen test periodically.
This will keep your security up to date and you will always be one step ahead of the hackers.

Here's what we're going to do

The process

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Personal communication is very important to us at 2manydots.
That’s why we like to meet our clients before every project.
We like to show what we stand for and are also very curious about you.
Over a cup of coffee we get to know each other.

Intake meeting

After this introduction, we know exactly what you expect and what you can expect from us.
We now dive deeper into the matter of pen testing.
Why do you want to perform a pen test and which package fits best with your organization?
We will explore this in our joint intake meeting.  


Analysis & exploration

After the intake, we determine internally which aspects of the test we will perform.
There may be critical areas that need additional security or that have not been checked for some time.
Then we draw up a plan and agree on a date to perform the pen test.

The penetration test

It’s showtime.
Depending on the package you choose, we’ll perform the pen test.
We’ll dive into the role of an ethical hacker and do everything we can to put your IT security to the test.
Can your current cybersecurity withstand our attack or will we discover vulnerabilities?

Reporting & consulting

Should we, and we assume we will, penetrate your IT security, we will prepare a full report including extensive advice.
Where are the weak spots?
What can be improved?
What measures must you take to get your cybersecurity in order?
You can read all about it in our report.

Packages and costs

€ 400 /eenmalig
Basis Een snelle controle
  • Server configuratie
  • Server kwetsbaarheden
  • WayBack Machine kwetsbaarheden
  • HTTP header advies
  • + 16 andere controles
€ 800 /eenmalig
Standaard Onmisbaar voor ieder bedrijf
  • Server configuratie
  • Server kwetsbaarheden
  • WayBack Machine kwetsbaarheden
  • HTTP header advies
  • Code injecties
  • Gevoelige bestanden en mappen scan
  • Code comment controle
  • WordPress kwetsbaarheden
  • + 40 andere controles
Complete test
€ 2000 /eenmalig
Uitgebreid Meest volledige controle
  • Server configuratie
  • Server kwetsbaarheden
  • WayBack Machine kwetsbaarheden
  • HTTP header advies
  • Code injecties
  • Gevoelige bestanden en mappen scan
  • Code comment controle
  • WordPress kwetsbaarheden
  • DDoS stress test
  • Subdomein overname
  • People Hunter test
  • WordPress code review
  • NewRelic controle
  • + 42 andere controles

Would you like to have a pen test performed?

Do you want to be sure that your website is optimally secured?
Choose the package that suits your organization and have a pen test performed by 2manydots.
We uncover vulnerabilities and give advice on how to close them.
Is your website hosted by us?
Then we can address the vulnerabilities ourselves upon request.

More information?
Be sure to contact us.
We’d love to help you keep the malicious hacker out.

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