Het ontwikkelen en uitvoeren van de perfecte marketingstrategie voor jouw bedrijf is lastig. Wij helpen je graag een handje opweg.
Een hechte club mensen die de Tilburgse gezelligheid ademt en de ambitie heeft om altijd een stapje verder te gaan.
The holy grail of inbound marketing is the lead. Leads are just one step away from a purchase and are therefore important to your business. But how do you execute lead generation successfully? One proven method is to offer a “lead magnet”: a digital gift in exchange for that coveted e-mail address. As specialists in converting websites, we almost always work with these lead magnets.
But how do you create such a lead magnet and, more importantly, where do you get the time? Below we list 5 different lead magnets that you create relatively easily by using content you already have lying around.
An e-book is generally a nicely formatted PDF containing neatly arranged information that appeals to your target audience. Sometimes you may choose to dig a little deeper than you normally do, but it is not unusual to simply put together the best blog posts, slightly modified if necessary.
This works best if you have a series of blog posts around a particular topic. A carpenter who has devoted several articles to tiny houses, for example:
Now you might be thinking: isn’t it a little too easy to package existing blog posts into a PDF? What will my readers think of that? If visitors notice at all, they are generally grateful for a document in which they can quickly click offline to the information they want.
One of the easiest lead magnets to create is the checklist. If you’ve already published a blog post giving instructions or offering a plan of action (think titles that begin with words like so, how, what) you already have all the input for such a checklist ready to go. List all the steps to take and group them into smaller steps to make the end result even more achievable.
Bonus points if you choose a nice design where the actual checklist fits on one page. This allows readers to check off items “in the heat of the moment” and quickly see if -and if so, where-there is work to be done.
A cheat sheet, in proper Dutch a cheat sheet, is almost as short as the checklist: one page. If you cover a topic that is complicated and has a lot of prerequisites or steps, a cheat sheet like this helps people stay on task. It serves as a reminder and is preferably printed out and pinned to the wall. Take this opportunity to incorporate your logo and/or slogan, so that the user will always (subconsciously) think of your organization when consulting the cheat sheet.
That not every lead magnet has to be a downloadable one is proven by the webinar. Using one of your blog posts or your brochure as a guide, you can use it as a springboard for a webinar that you can present by yourself or with a colleague.
For example, if you’ve written about the latest subsidies around electric cars, you can turn that into a PowerPoint presentation that you walk through during a webinar. Allow people to ask questions via chat during the webinar and you’ll immediately see which leads are more qualified than others. You can then also offer the presentation as a download to ask for even more relevant personal data.
Especially for service organizations, a workbook is a very effective lead magnet. This is often a document to print out and fill out. For example, a company of business coaches could release a workbook that helps readers discover how they sabotage their success. And online training platform Teachable helps readers with a workbook workbook to create their own course.
We at 2manydots also offer several lead magnets including checklists and white papers. In doing so, we help readers a little further with their Internet marketing issues, such as branding and lead generation.