Website laten maken
Written by Finn Ruijter, 04 November 2019

Briefing new website: 6 tips

In previous blog posts, we told you why website briefing writing is so important and what should not be missing from a website briefing document. But we’re not done talking about the document that underlies online success. In this blog post you will read tips that you can keep in mind when preparing the briefing.

Tip 1 – Define strategy and objectives first

Before you start writing your website brief, you should be clear internally about the direction you want to take. That means you first need to put the objectives on paper, you know what emotions you want to evoke in your visitors and you already have some ideas regarding the design. Bonus points if you have found websites that match the look and feel you are aiming for. To get you started, we created the ready-made website briefing template. Pretty convenient!

Tip 2 – Look to the future

A website briefing outlines a desired situation. If you already have one, use your own website as a starting point. But what you want to avoid is having this website demand your attention when you are drafting your brief. A briefing is not a lament with a list of everything you don’t like when you look at your current site. For some, it is more challenging than others to look especially to the future.

Tip 3 – Put the user first

Think carefully about the ultimate users of the website. Visitors should have quick access to the desired information, but equally important are the employees who are responsible for the content at your site. What administrator roles do you envision and what CMS do your colleagues already have experience with?

Tip 4 – Don’t forget your tone-of-voice

How you address visitors is your tone-of-voice. It can be friendly and informal, for example, or businesslike and formal. It is important for the Internet agency to know from the beginning what tone-of-voice you want to adopt, especially if it differs from your current website. This is because it affects all kinds of choices: the design, the use of color, the features, and so on.

Tip 5 – Know what you are measuring

You have your new website created with a specific purpose. Or, more often, with a series of goals in mind. But which ones exactly are they? Meet with management about this and incorporate these benchmarks into the website briefing. Make sure they are SMART, because you cannot speak of success until you achieve or exceed certain numbers.

Tip 6 – Determine the budget

Talking about money: it takes almost everyone some effort, but it is essential to get clear on what your budget is. Find the highest amount you all agree on and enter that in the brief. A realistic budget builds trust with the web agency, provides strong motivation and ultimately increases your chances of online success.

Dare to dream

Help the Internet agency, together with you, look to the future. Your new website is getting the ball rolling, but what, in the best of times, could that lead to? Let the web agency know what jobs lie ahead if you achieve the goals. Are you expanding service offerings that require site modification? Will you then open new branches that require new websites?

Download our handy website briefing template

You can put a lot of time and energy into writing a website template. As specialists in converting websites, we want to give you a hand. Thanks to our website briefing checklist, you’ll know exactly what items belong in a briefing. Do you prefer a detailed explanation with telling examples? Then download our website briefing writing white paper (+template).