Website laten maken
Written by Anthony, 04 February 2020

How UX design impacts lead generation

Thinking and designing for the end user is what user experience (UX) is all about. UX design can also be applied to website conception and design. In this blog post, you’ll discover how good UX design can help you generate more leads.

What is UX design anyway?

In UX design, you take into account the expectations and desires of your users. So it is important to know your target audience well. If you have daily contact with your customers, you know their demographics, their problems and challenges. But if you want to storm a new market, this requires extensive research first.

You want your website to provide exactly the information your target audience is looking for. This information should be perceived as valuable. But at the same time, you want users to perform certain actions. UX design aims to bring visitors’ emotions together with the functionalities of your website.

Why is UX design important?

Okay, so now you know what UX design is, but what is it good for? You recognize that your visitors are going to benefit from this, but you wonder: what’s in it for me? Fortunately, the knife cuts both ways. UX design offers all kinds of benefits for your company or organization as well. Indeed, it would be unwise not to optimize the user experience.

1. UX design gets you more leads

Internet users do not subscribe to a newsletter nearly as easily as they did, say, a decade ago. People have also become cautious about sharing personal information. Only when a person has carefully become a fan of a person or company does he or she trust his or her personal information to such a party.

For companies and institutions, this means that they must do a better job of bringing in customers. It is about building a relationship with visitors, in which trust and -for lack of a better word- love slowly grow. And that all starts with providing a positive user experience. In summary, UX design creates a better user experience, which builds trust and ensures higher conversion rates.

2. UX design increases customer satisfaction

A user-friendly website ensures that visitors quickly find what they are looking for. They don’t have to guess or search, which makes the user experience positive. Visitors will happily return, with you slowly but surely building a relationship. It is then a small step to a purchase and customer loyalty.

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3. UX design saves you time

Not only does your target audience benefit from the fact that your website is clear, exudes the right atmosphere and quickly provides the information they are looking for. You also enjoy benefits on the administrator’s side. When users can perform tasks on your site more easily, they make fewer mistakes and have fewer questions. That means less time spent answering questions or solving problems as an organization.

4. UX design makes you more findable

UX design is not just about beautiful design. A clear structure and a pleasant loading speed also contribute to that positive user experience. That translates into visitors who don’t bounce away immediately but enjoy staying on your website. Google detects this and rewards user-friendly websites with higher rankings.

The challenge of ‘design thinking’

It’s easy to lose customer focus when you’re surrounded by meetings, deadlines and budgets. There simply does not seem to be time to look at your organization from the customer’s point of view and offer solutions that create even more work.

Yet an investment in design thinking pays off in many ways, according to several studies. It not only increases customer satisfaction, but also generates more leads. UX design stimulates creativity in the workplace and ensures better results down the line.

How to test the impact of different UX designs

UX design focuses on the experience of users. Seasoned designers have a good idea of what works and that can help guide an initial design direction. But you only know for sure the extent to which a design is successful when you test it.

A first testing method is A/B testing, also known as split testing. In this process, you dish up two different versions of a Web page to unsuspecting visitors: for example, half of the visitors are shown the current version, while the other half of the visitors are shown a new version. Depending on how many visitors go through the test, you’ll see which design scores best within a few days. Two tools that can help with this are Google Optimize and Visual Website Optimizer.

Another thing you can do is survey visitors. A slide-in at the bottom right of the screen can ask users one short multiple-choice question. An alternative is a pop-up that asks people if they want to participate in a survey. This method allows you to ask targeted questions about your site’s design and structure. A powerful combination is a short survey on a newly designed page. Hotjar is one of the providers of these polls.

With a heatmap, you map user behavior to see how far people scroll, what they hover on and what they end up clicking on. The outcome of such a test is especially valuable when you can compare it with previous tests. It is not only possible, but highly recommended, to attach a heatmap to an A/B test. Hotjar is also a logical choice for heatmaps.

Design thinking requires sustained attention

Organizations that choose to apply design thinking will notice the return on investment of this philosophy after the first tests. But make sure the focus is not just temporary, but long-term – preferably even permanent. Why? Because a website is like a living, breathing animal. You feed and change him constantly. He grows and develops, gains character and establishes relationships. It would be a shame to neglect something like this.

Not least because the needs and expectations of visitors continue to change. What they like and enjoy now may have changed greatly in a few years. By continuing to ask and test, you’ll keep customers on their toes. And you notice that in your conversion rate. Want to know more about lead generation? Then download our free white paper.