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Written by Finn Ruijter, 26 April 2023

Website speed testing

Website speed testing is essential to ensure that your website performs optimally for both desktop and mobile users. In addition, the speed of your website has a major impact on its findability on major search engines. On this page, we explain why load speed is important, how to test and optimize your website’s speed, and what tools you can use to do so.

Why is loading speed of your website important?

A fast website contributes significantly to ease of use by improving the visitor’s overall experience. When web pages load quickly, users can easily and efficiently navigate the website without waiting for content to load. This leads to higher engagement, less frustration and a greater likelihood that visitors will stay on the site longer and return. Moreover, in the mobile era where many people browse on the go with limited Internet connections, fast load time is crucial to meet the expectations of mobile users and provide them with a seamless online experience.

Positive for website findability

Website speed is an important ranking factor for search engine optimization (SEO) for several reasons. For example, a fast website provides a better user experience, leading to higher engagement, more page views and lower bounce rates. Search engines like Google strive to provide their users with the best experience, which is why they reward websites with fast load times with higher rankings in search results.

Search engines index Web sites by crawling and analyzing their Web pages. A faster website makes it easier for search engines to index the content on your website. Websites with faster load times are crawled more efficiently, leading to better indexing and higher rankings in search results.

Fast websites also tend to have higher conversion rates and generate more revenue, which has an indirect effect on SEO. The more revenue and conversions your website generates, the more search engines consider it valuable. This contributes to higher rankings.

How to test the speed of your website

Testing the speed of your website is an important process to ensure that your visitors get an optimal user experience. There are several tools and methods available to test the speed of your website. Here are some steps you can follow to thoroughly test the speed of your website.

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1. Test on different devices

The speed of your website may vary on different devices, such as desktops, smartphones and tablets. Test your website on multiple devices to ensure an optimal user experience regardless of the device your visitors use.

2. Test with different connections

The speed of your website may also vary depending on the speed of your Internet connection. Test your website with different connection speeds, such as broadband, 4G and 3G to see how your website performs under different conditions.

3. Test on different browsers

The loading time of your website can vary between different browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. Be sure to test your website’s speed on different browsers to identify and resolve compatibility issues.

4. Analyze the results

After running the speed tests, analyze the results to identify any performance issues. Most tools offer detailed reports and recommendations to improve the speed of your Web site. Use this information to make the necessary adjustments and make your website faster.

Let 2manydots speed up your website

Is testing the speed of your website for a challenge? Let 2manydots help you! With our expertise and experience, we can optimize the speed of your website and ensure a smooth user experience. Don’t hesitate to contact our team today. Trust 2manydots to make your website faster and more effective!

The best tools to test the speed of your website

There are several tools available to test the speed of your website, such as Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, GTMetrix and Chrome DevTools. These tools give you insight into the performance of your website on both desktop and a mobile device and offer recommendations for possible improvements.

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Google Pagespeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is one of the best-known tools for testing website speed. It analyzes the performance of your website on both desktop and mobile devices and provides a Google PageSpeed Insights score between 0 and 100. A higher pagespeed score indicates better performance. The tool also provides information on Core Web Vitals. Those essential metrics are for user experience, and offers recommendations to improve load time.


Pingdom is a popular tool for testing the speed of your website. It gives you a detailed view of your web page load time, number of requests and page size. In addition, Pingdom provides useful information about your website’s performance by geographic location. Dir is a very welcome addition when you have an international audience.


GTMetrix is another tool for testing website speed. It combines data from Google PageSpeed Insights and other sources to give you a comprehensive overview of your website’s performance. GTMetrix also allows you to record videos of the loading process so you can see how users experience your Web page.

Chrome DevTools

Google Chrome’s built-in developer tools provide in-depth information about the load time of your web pages. To open DevTools, right-click on your web page and select “Inspect. Then go to the ‘Network’ tab and refresh the page. DevTools shows the load time of each element on your web page, as well as the total load time, number of requests and page size.

How to improve load time

Some tips to improve the speed of your website include optimizing images, implementing caching, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and choosing a reliable hosting provider. These adjustments can significantly help speed up load times and improve the overall performance of your website.

To improve the load time of your website, follow the recommendations of the tools you used to test the speed. Below we highlight some common optimizations.

1. Compress and optimize images

Large image files can significantly slow down the loading time of your website. By compressing images and using the appropriate format (for example, WebP instead of JPEG or PNG), you can reduce the file size without losing quality. This provides faster load times and less bandwidth usage.

2. Enable browser caching?

Caching is storing copies of files so that the browser can load them faster on repeat visits. By enabling browser caching, the browser does not have to re-download all the files each time, reducing loading time.

3. Remove unnecessary plugins and scripts

Many websites use plugins and scripts to add functionality. However, some plugins can negatively affect load time. Check your plugins and scripts and remove or replace those that slow down your website.

4. Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

A CDN is a network of servers distributed around the world. By placing your files on a CDN, visitors can load your website faster from a server that is geographically closer to them. This reduces latency and provides faster load times.

5. Improve server performance.

A slow server can significantly affect the loading time of your website. Choose a reliable hosting provider and consider upgrading to a better hosting package or a dedicated server as your website grows and attracts more traffic.

6. Minimize and merge CSS and JavaScript

Large CSS and JavaScript files slow down the loading time of your website. Minimize files by removing unnecessary spaces, line breaks and comments, and merge multiple files into one file to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

7. Implement lazy loading

Lazy loading is a technique where you load only the media (images, videos, etc.) that are visible to the user. The other media are not loaded until the user scrolls further down. This reduces the initial loading time of the page.

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How often should you check the load time?

Regularly checking and optimizing your website’s load time is crucial to providing an optimal user experience. Below are some factors to consider when determining how often to check your website’s load time.

Size and complexity of your website

Larger and more complex websites generally require more maintenance to ensure that everything keeps running smoothly and quickly. If your website contains many pages, images and multimedia elements, consider checking the speed more frequently, such as every two weeks or monthly.

Content updates

If you regularly add new content or update existing content, it is advisable to check the load time after significant changes. This way, you make sure that the new content does not negatively affect the performance of your website.

Traffic volume

If your website has high traffic volume, it’s even more important to regularly check and optimize load times. Slow load times can lead to loss of visitors and potential revenue, so make sure your website is always fast and efficient for your users.

Technical updates

The Internet and the technologies that power websites are constantly changing. When new technologies or updates to existing technologies are introduced, it is important to check that your website is still performing optimally and is compatible with the latest developments.

Seasonal traffic peaks

If your website experiences seasonal spikes in traffic, such as during vacations or events, be sure to monitor and optimize load times prior to these periods. This allows your website to better handle the increase in traffic and prevents visitors from dropping out due to slow load times.

Outsource testing and optimization

If you don’t have the time or technical knowledge to test and optimize your website speed yourself, consider outsourcing these tasks to professionals. 2manydots is a full-service internet marketing agency that would love to help you speed up your website. By outsourcing these tasks to 2manydots, you are assured of a fast and high-performing website that offers visitors an optimal user experience.