Website laten maken
Written by Finn Ruijter, 24 September 2021

WordPress support for Internet Explorer 11 expires

WordPress websites, especially their back-end, may soon look weird in Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11). That’s because WordPress no longer supports this browser.

IE 11 was developed by Microsoft more than seven years ago. Global statistics show that the market share of this browser is less than 1%. If you or your colleagues are still using this browser to update your WordPress website, it’s time to take action.

What you notice about this in the backend

The fact that Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported means that WordPress no longer tests new features in this browser. Also, automated tools that generate parts of WordPress source code will no longer take IE 11 into account. So WordPress no longer guarantees that websites created in this CMS will still run properly in this outdated browser. Also, bugs discovered in IE 11 browsers will no longer fix WordPress.

In practice, this will mean that the block editor in your WordPress dashboard will barely function. Other parts of the dashboard also use CSS built with the automated tools.

Will your Web site look different in Internet Explorer 11?

At the front end, the website as your visitors see it, this change may not be immediately visible. No code written specifically for Internet Explorer 11 will be removed. However, IE 11 will no longer be supported in future free default themes.

Third-party theme developers all have their own policies for browser support. It could be that the developer of your theme continues to provide support, or that IE 11 support has actually been discontinued before.

What this means for 2manydots clients

If 2manydots built your WordPress site, it’s good to know that we don’t continue to support IE 11 either. You probably already use a modern browser yourself, but if there are colleagues posting content on you from Internet Explorer 11, they may start to suffer. The best solution is for them to upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft Edge. This browser replaced Internet Explorer in 2016.