Het ontwikkelen en uitvoeren van de perfecte marketingstrategie voor jouw bedrijf is lastig. Wij helpen je graag een handje opweg.
Een hechte club mensen die de Tilburgse gezelligheid ademt en de ambitie heeft om altijd een stapje verder te gaan.
Does it almost take a technical engineer to be able to post a blog on your website? Is uploading a photo as abracadabra to you as replacing an old-fashioned roll of film in a camera? And should you consult the HTML dictionary when placing a simple button? Then we guarantee you that it can be easier. With a professional, custom WordPress website, managing a website is as natural as walking, breathing and eating.
When you choose a professional WordPress website, you automatically agree to the world’s most user-friendly CMS. Not for nothing are more and more large companies using this content management system. You don’t need a course for it, and even a subsequent colleague can master website maintenance in no time.
Experience the convenience of a customized WordPress website. That way you don’t have to deal with unnecessary hassles. With us, you will receive a technical demo where you will learn how to manage your own pages, news items, portfolio pieces and images within an hour.
WordPress was originally developed for the notorious blogger who easily kept stories about his or her travels, home decor or new makeup. Since then, the OpenSource platform has matured and become one of the easiest and most widely used CMSs in the world. Although WordPress is constantly evolving, usability remains its greatest asset. This has the advantage that you can easily manage the website yourself and we can provide super-specific customization.
If you manage your website yourself, you also want it to be found well. Fortunately, WordPress helps with that, which in turn saves you work. In fact, the content management system is so well regarded that by using it, you automatically rank better in the search engines already. Google is giving WordPress websites the benefit of the doubt. In addition, we can install additional plug-ins that will help you win this competition.
Do you need a new website and have had enough of the miserable backend you are now expected to work in? Do you want to manage your own website? Convince yourself and your boss of the powers of WordPress. It’s best to call about this first. As specialists in converting WordPress websites, we are happy to advise you.